
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Things to consider before choosing your career

By, Laura Villarreal.

   This week I focused on different career pathways in the medical field. I learned some of the important factors one must consider before choosing their right medical career. These factors include caring for patients, responsibility, income, schedule, etc. These are something anyone going into the medical field should look into because different jobs have different ways of being conducted. For example, some doctors, like oncologists, are with their patients multiple times a week and have constant contact or interaction with their patients, whereas, primary care doctors see their patients only once or twice a year.

   The website,, gave me a look into careers that follow the things that I think are important for my career in the medical field. The website started off by giving me a self-assessment asking questions for like “How much time do you prefer directly seeing and caring for patients?” My response was on a scale of 0-10, 0 being no time at all and 10 being most of my time. The assessment was 18 questions asked the same way about various topics. Then, it took me to another self-assessment which asked me to rate each of the topics on how important they are to me. Once all of the assessments were completed I received a compatibility chart to the careers that fit me best.
This was my personal result. Click on the picture to view it better.

   I haven’t always been certain on the kind of doctor I want to be because there is so many options to choose from. I am glad i stumbled onto this website. It gave me options that I haven’t considered before. I recommend anyone who is considering a medical career to look into this website. I definitely have more options to look into now.

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