
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Importance of Medical Conventions

Written by Alex Reddy

On Average, there are two to three professional medical conventions per month in the United States. These gatherings are so large and relevant, they require attendance registration and can draw crowds of around 500-1000 medical professionals. The conventions cover everything from new technology, to the new FDA laws and regulations announced so that medical professionals from all around the country can discuss these new topics.

In this blog, I’d like to inform you about a key way professionals in the medical field communicate, Conventions.

Conventions are an influential piece to the developing technology in the medical field. At a convention, some medical professionals share new strategies they use in the workplace while others take numerous amounts of notes to incorporate new ideas into their own work. Through my own experience I've learned some professionals in the medical field take attending conventions very seriously. I previously interned for an orthodontist, Dr. Hunter, who spends much of his free time attending conventions and reading up on ones he missed. He claimed that going to conventions was the reason why his branch of practice was so successful. Dr. Hunter also stressed the importance of staying up to date with new and improved technology. Being up to date with all of the most modern equipment places you at the front of the line when it comes to competing with surrounding medical practices (Dr. Hunter).

Without conventions, medical professionals would have no way to share their new ideas and ways of practice with such a large number of people from places so far away. Conventions also make it easy to learn many new things in a little period of time. Without conventions, some medical professionals would never meet and share ideas due to lack of time and money to travel the long distance between them.

Some other perks to attending conventions include the connections you make and the investors you might find. Along with medical professionals, you are certain to run into medical field investors at a convention. Most of these investors are always on the lookout for a new prospering medical company or practice. Making connections with these investors could be influential to your success. It’s possible that you may need these connections in the future to help you pay for new expensive equipment.

Overall, I believe conventions are a very important part of working in the medical field. Along with the connections you make and the new technology you learn, conventions are a great way for similar people to get together and express their feelings on the topics they love.

"Medical Trade Shows & Conferences 2016-17." |My Industry| People's United Bank. People's United Bank, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

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