
About Us

Meet the Team!

Hello and welcome to our brand new blog! This blog, Explorations in Medical Fields, will be run by a team of four college students from Michigan State University. Our names are Alex Reddy, Laura Villarreal, Madison Elliott, and Hyaal Wehab. As current pre-professional majors, we are eager to present you with weekly input and ideas on a variety of Pre-Professional topics. Each of us are deep intellectual thinkers who will pick apart every scientific topic adding our own meticulous opinions and views on the topic at hand. Hope you enjoy the blog, and please feel free to issue your constructive feedback!

A little bit more about us~

Laura is a freshman majoring in physiology in the premed track. After her four years at MSU, she hopes to go to medical school. She has always been interested in the medical field. She hasn’t fully deiced yet but she is leaning towards a pediatrician, neonatal doctor, or an OB GYN. She likes working with children and hopes her future career  involves them also. She hopes this blog will help her decide fully on what she wants to do with her career path.

Madison is a sophomore studying human biology, premedical. She has intentions of attending medical school after her four years of undergrad are over and using this education to become an anesthesiologist. Although she has a commitment to anesthesiology, she is looking forward to using this blog to learn about all of the aspects and career opportunities in this field because she loves all things medical!

Hyaal is currently a Pre-Nursing major. After considering the multiple fields in Nursing, she plans to finish her four years, and get a bachelors degree, then continue on to Graduate School to focus on Forensic Nursing. She has always had interest in Forensic Sciences, so she is very excited to pursue a career in this field and see where this takes her.

Alex is a freshman studying human biology, pre-dentistry. While still open to discovering new paths, Alex hopes to graduate from Michigan State in four years to then further his education in graduate school. After graduate school, his goals include earning a position in a group practice as an orthodontist and then later opening his own practice.

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