
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

By Laura Villarreal

The medical field is known for having it’s own language. If you’re not apart of the medical world it is really like hearing a foreign language. There are terms and acronyms that one must learn in order to stay afloat in a medical world scene. Colleges have classes dedicated to medical terminology. It is not an easy subject to learn. And, you can not just pass the class and forget about it. In a medical field, that terminology is brought up constantly. Each term has a word root (central meaning), a prefix (identifies part of central meaning), and a suffix (tells who or what is interacting).
Some basic medical terms are:

  • Enter/o: intestine
  • Derm/o: skin
  • Gastr/o: stomach
  • Hem/o, Hemat/o: blood
  • My/o: muscle

    Prefixes and Suffixes are added to words like these to make them mean different things.

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