
Monday, November 7, 2016

The importance of the medical field

By Laura Villarreal

In my opinion, the world would be nowhere without the medical field. Doctors are constantly using their resources and knowledge to improve the lives of others. Unlike most fields, their whole career is dedicated to helping other people. One specific example of doctors truly dedicating their time to others is the group Doctors Without Borders. A recent news story highlights their contributions to society.
After hurricane Matthew hit, many people were left struggling and in need of medical care. Teams from Doctors Without Borders jumped into action and went to the places in need of help. They traveled to remote and isolated places and saw patients in dire need of medical care. These people were cut off from medical care since the hurricane struck their villages and towns. Some specific activities noted in the article include:
  • Conducted medical consultations for more than 2,700 people in 27 villages
  • Provided training, water and sanitation support to six cholera treatment centers
  • Distributed medical supplies to health centers

Doctors like these show the importance  of the medical field. People always need help and the people in the medical field are there to help. Doctors treat things from the common cold to cancers. No matter how small the problem is, doctors are always there to help. Doctors like the ones from Doctors Without Borders go to far away unsafe places  to treat people in need. The medical field is and always will be important.


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