
Friday, November 11, 2016

Impact of Technology in Healthcare

Written By: Hyaal Wehab

   One of the biggest things impacting many divisions today is the advancement of technology. Technology plays a large role in modern society today, due to the fact that many, if not all, industries have been affected by technology. From improved quality of health to improved organization and management, technology has shown its many positive impacts. Unlike anything though, technology also has its dark side.

   To begin with, technology has impacted the medical field in many positive ways. Technology has saved many medical institutions a lot of money, and also improved the health and quality of a patient's life. Due to technology, diagnostics are much easier and are also much more accurate. Improved imaging allows technicians or doctors to examine a patient's x-rays, or anatomy without having to do any invasive surgeries on the patient. Technology also helps keep these patients files documented online, and they can be accessed from any computer in the entire building. This helps improve the organization and management of the institution as a whole. Although technology comes with its many positive aspects, it also has its negative aspects. A lot of the time, medical related technology in homes is just normal individuals using the internet to research medical information, which may not always be accurate. People tend to rely more on what they read online and self diagnose themselves because, it is easy and for the most part free. Self diagnosis is very dangerous due to possibly reading inaccurate information, because something that may seem so simple, such as a simple ache, may be a much bigger issue than it seems, and somebody could potentially put their own life at risk because this simple ache could lead to much bigger issues. People should never replace an actual doctor or physician with the internet. Doctors and physicians go through years of schooling and training for a reason, therefore they will give accurate information. Technology impacts the medical field in a positive way in general, as long as it is used correctly.

   All in all, this article has not only helped me understand how technology has positively impacted the medical field, but it can negatively impact society as a whole. Others should look more into this, to understand the importance especially about the dangers of self diagnosis, and how important it is to visit your doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Very, interesting read. I'm guilty of self diagnosing all the time and I think it's safe to say that most millennials are. Hence, this is such a relevant article. I think most people do it because it safes money and time and so maybe doctors should create apps that charge us less for their consultation and we don't need to leave our homes. Overall though the article made me very cautious about my behavior and next time I think I'll think twice about going to WebMD and call a doctor instead.
