
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Practicing Your Knowledge

Written by: Madison Elliott

         My sorority’s philanthropy is called Service for Sight, which is an organization that helps people who are blind and visually impaired. Here at Michigan State University, there is a program that assists people who have some type of disability whether it be with getting their schoolwork done or simply just getting around. The offices in that program that work specifically with the visually impaired students on campus generously allows my sorority to get involved with them and help out in some way or another.
         This week I participated in a hands-on activity that was put on by the visually impaired section of the disabilities program at MSU. The lady that is in charge of it brought over some of the equipment that they use to help these students out to our sorority house. There were things as high-tech as special goggles/glasses that can help people who are not completely blind but severely visually impaired see shapes and outlines and things, to things that were as simple as books that were written in braille. The lady, along with a few other people that work in the office, were there to show us how all of those things worked so that when we volunteer with them we can actually make an impact on these students’ lives.

         This experience has taught me that even people with disabilities can do anything that you can do, they are the strongest because they push past their setbacks and overcome these things to be just as successful. It has also made me really excited for the future and to be a part of the medical field whose sole goal is better people’s lives and help those who need it.

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