
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Under-appreciated Medical Positions

Written by Alex Reddy

When I tell people I aspire to be an orthodontist, I most frequently receive a surprised look and an awkward silence until is it broken by a common phrase, “well you'd be just perfect for that”. Out of my own experience, I believe many professions in the medical field are very under-appreciated. Now I understand that orthodontia is classified more as a dental profession then medical; However, I’ve noticed very similar responses for many of my friends who aspire to be some particular medical students.

Like orthodontia, some jobs are just thought of less then others or not as well known to the job industry. When brought to our attention, many of us do not realize how important these jobs truly are, or how big of an industry these jobs are apart of. Many professional medical positions are often under-appreciated. Diverse professions like nurses and anesthesiologists are so important to the medical field but are often quickly looked over by outsiders. A nurses importance is often dampened by the massive amount of attention there more well known partner, a doctor, attracts. Another group of medical professionals that are often under-appreciated are anesthesiologists. Anesthesiologists lack of popularity stems from a different reason than nurses. It may have a little to do from a partner like doctors who are far more popular in society; However, they are more often under-appreciated for the fact that their field is not as well known as other medical fields. Anesthesiologists have the important job of putting patients to sleep before an operation and waking them up after an operation. Similar to nurses who do a variety of important jobs, anesthesiologists do not receive enough credit for what they do.

Overall the purpose of this post is to draw attention to the lesser known medical professions. If interested in entering the medical field, I urge you to look at some of the under-appreciated professions and dive into the plethora of jobs the medical field has to offer. I believe that every job is unique and important in its own way, and without the under-appreciated jobs, we would be missing a large part of our medical field.


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